Sunday, November 16, 2014

RAW Chocolate dessert

Sooo delicious and sweet. And really easy to make.

3/4 cup hazelnuts
1 cup raisins
4 tblsp cashew butter
4 tblsp cocoa
4 tlbsp honey
2 bananas

1. Soak raisins in warm water for 30 minutes.
2. Blend hazelnuts in the blender until you have hazelnut flour.
3. Add decanted raisins and 2 tlbsp cocoa and blend together.
4. That is our crust, so pour the batter in the smaller form.
5. Now blend bananas, cashew butter, honey and the other 2 tlbsp cocoa.
6. Pour the cream on the crust. 
7. Let cool in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Enjoy!

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